Decision-makers were definitely present as a third of the visitors came with investment plans to accelerate the low carbon and digital transition of construction projects. The 1,065 exhibitors, including 68% from outside France, went back home with a lot of new contacts as they had an average of 30% more contacts per day per exhibitor compared with 2018 edition.
INTERMAT 2024 was thus a real business catalyst, a federating point of convergence for all the professionals who came in search of a concentrate of innovation to address the climate and societal challenges faced by construction. Exhibitors and visitors met up in a particularly animated and convivial atmosphere has they alsways do at INTERMAT.
Unity is strength : a mobilised construction industry
Chairmen of the five main construction trade associations in France (DLR, EVOLIS, FFB, FNTP and SEIMAT) opened INTERMAT 2024 united and committed with the signature of the manifesto “4 keys to support the decarbonisation of construction equipment”.
Talks, round tables and special features like a Hackaton – especially in the two new areas Filière and Academy - gave an opportunity to visitors, and in particular to the 1,400 young people present, to gain insight into the major issues in the sector in the aim of accelerating the green and digital transitions: adopting the right energy for each use, saving it, raising stakeholder awareness to CSR and improving the safety and appeal of jobs…