Take part in the next edition of INTERMAT, the trade show for sustainable construction solutions and technologies. From April 24 to 27, 2027, at Paris Nord Villepinte, the construction industry will meet to deal with low carbon construction matters.
INTERMAT is an opportunity for professionals in the earthmoving, demolition and transport, roads, materials and foundations, lifting and handling, building, civil engineering and concrete industries, as well as new technologies and energies for construction, to gather and showcase their signature products and latest innovations.
INTERMAT is an opportunity for professionals in the earthmoving, demolition and transport, roads, materials and foundations, lifting and handling, building, civil engineering and concrete industries, as well as new technologies and energies for construction, to gather and showcase their signature products and latest innovations.
INTERMAT 2027 will give you the opportunity to:

Meet your customers
- 2 out of 3 visitors are decision-makers, buyers or specifiers
- 1 visitor out of 2 is from a construction company
- 3 out of 4 visitors with a project declares that he found the solutions to make
- it real at the show
- 92% spontaneous visitor satisfaction
- 78% of visitors with investment projects
Visitors come from innovation, R&D, CSR, materials/equipment, technical, construction and design departments...
Expand your international network
- 1 in 3 visitors come from abroad
- 160 countries represented
- 1,000 exhibitors, 70% international

Meet and exchange with your peers
- 3,000 on-site meetings organised
- 78% of exhibitors are satisfied with their participation
Showcase your expertise and know-how and make your contribution
- 5 areas of expertise represented for a high-value offer
- 3 halls / 2 outdoor exhibition areas / 2 demo areas / 4 conference areas
- 60-minute workshops to speak at the World of Concrete Europe forum.
The forum gives you direct access to your customers, prospects and a qualified target audience of the concrete community.

Showcase your innovations and make the most of them
New dedicated areas (avec les liens vers les pages dédiées):
- Industry Forum
- New Technologies and Energies
- Employment & Training
- WOCE Forum

2 days face-to-face with the press to announce your new products exhibited at INTERMAT 2024
More information

Dive in the heart of the community to build tomorrow's world better together
- 2 events in 1 venue: INTERMAT + WOCE
- The main building and civil engineering trade organizations will be there in a dedicated industry area.
- International trade press invited to cover the event.
- The 2024 edition has been redesigned around 4 fundamental pillars, each of which will feature highlights and developments in line with the four major challenges facing the construction industry.

5 areas of expertise for an enhanced offer
INTERMAT is developing its sectorization to meet visitors' expectations

Book your stand
You wish exhibit at INTERMAT 2027 ?
Estimate your participation & book your stand on the online platform.
Book your stand